Lecture Notes 06:
Practice with Regular Expressions
This class we'll discuss:
- RE power
- Algorithms: Code, RegExes, and Diagrams
- Intro to Finite Automatons
Recap: RegExes, how powerful are they?
For the the Machine Abstraction of Regular Expressions, we can ask:
what problems can they solve?
In other words: Which Language sets can they generate/accept?
Regular Languages are more powerful than Finite Languages (can encompass more)
Still confused about RExs? Go to Office Hours with Winnie!! (and with me)
Algorithms: Code, RegExes, and Diagrams
As we saw above, an algorithm can be encoded as:
- RegEx
- (pseudo) Code
But we know that a piece of code can also be drawn using things like a "Flow Diagram"!
In this section, we'll use a special type of diagram called a
State Diagram.
State Diagram
A State diagram looks like this:
Finite Automaton AKA: Finite State Machine (FSM)
- Finite number of states
- Follows Rules that have been programmed beforehand
Operation Examples
Example 01: Processing a String
Example 02: Processing a String
Example 03: Processing a String
Activity 1 [2 minutes]:
Try to build your own machine. One that "Accepts" this set:
(Wait; then Click)
Alphabets and languages
Formal Definition
Our Last Example:
Operators in FSMs: OR
How might we handle a language that contains an or?
{w|w doesn’t contain either 00 or 11 as a substring}
Let's try one basic example:
Activity 2 [2 minutes]:
Explain the sequence of states for these words:
Activity 3 [2 minutes]:
Answer the following questions:
What is the descriptive power of Finite Automata?
(Wait; then Click)
We need to compare it with regular expressions... we'll do that bit by bit.
Are there languages that Cannot be described by a finite automaton?
(try to come up with a counter example)
(Wait; then Click)
YES! NON Regular Languages!
Useful Properties
These are some properties that can help you deduce, generalize, or analyze FSMs with respect to their RegEx and Regular Languages.
IF a Language \(L_1\) is recognizable by an FA \( M_1\),
is language \( (L_1)^{c} \) also recognizable by some FA?
Or in other words,
\[\exists M_2 \quad | \quad L(M_2) = L(M_1)^{c} \]
Activity 4 [2 minutes]:
How would you prove this (by construction)?
(Wait; then Click)
- run both machines “in parallel”
- accept if (and only if) both reach an accepting state
Intersection: General Rule
Activity 5 [2 minutes]:
How would you prove this (by construction)?
(Wait; then Click)
- run both machines “in parallel”
- accept if either reach an accepting state
Union: General Rule