
CSC 250

Theory of Computation

Smith Computer Science

Lecture Notes 06:
Practice with Regular Expressions


This class we'll discuss:

Recap: RegExes, how powerful are they?

For the the Machine Abstraction of Regular Expressions, we can ask:

what problems can they solve?

In other words: Which Language sets can they generate/accept?

Regular Languages are more powerful than Finite Languages (can encompass more)
more descriptive power!

Still confused about RExs? Go to Office Hours with Winnie!! (and with me)

Algorithms: Code, RegExes, and Diagrams

As we saw above, an algorithm can be encoded as:

  1. RegEx
  2. (pseudo) Code
But we know that a piece of code can also be drawn using things like a "Flow Diagram"!

In this section, we'll use a special type of diagram called a State Diagram.

State Diagram

A State diagram looks like this:

not a map

Finite Automaton AKA: Finite State Machine (FSM)

  1. Finite number of states
  2. Follows Rules that have been programmed beforehand


Operation Examples

Example 01: Processing a String

proc 1!

Example 02: Processing a String

proc 2!

Example 03: Processing a String

proc 3!

Activity 1 [2 minutes]:
Try to build your own machine. One that "Accepts" this set:

zero 1 zero 1!

(Wait; then Click)

0 one 0 one!

Alphabets and languages


Formal Definition

very formal

Our Last Example:


Operators in FSMs: OR

How might we handle a language that contains an or?

{w|w doesn’t contain either 00 or 11 as a substring}


Let's try one basic example:

Yak is a good dog!

Activity 2 [2 minutes]:
Explain the sequence of states for these words:
  • 101010
  • 010110
  • 110011

Activity 3 [2 minutes]:
Answer the following questions:
  • What is the descriptive power of Finite Automata?
  • (Wait; then Click)

    We need to compare it with regular expressions... we'll do that bit by bit.

    Reg Lang descriptive power!

  • Are there languages that Cannot be described by a finite automaton?

  • (try to come up with a counter example)
    (Wait; then Click)

    YES! NON Regular Languages!

    Can't do it!

    Useful Properties

    These are some properties that can help you deduce, generalize, or analyze FSMs with respect to their RegEx and Regular Languages.


    IF a Language \(L_1\) is recognizable by an FA \( M_1\),
    is language \( (L_1)^{c} \) also recognizable by some FA?

    Or in other words, \[\exists M_2 \quad | \quad L(M_2) = L(M_1)^{c} \]




    Activity 4 [2 minutes]:
    How would you prove this (by construction)?
    (Wait; then Click)

    1. run both machines “in parallel”
    2. accept if (and only if) both reach an accepting state


    interX Exmpl!

    inX Exmpl!

    Intersection: General Rule

    inX rule!


    uni | on!

    Activity 5 [2 minutes]:
    How would you prove this (by construction)?
    (Wait; then Click)

    1. run both machines “in parallel”
    2. accept if either reach an accepting state


    union Exmpl!

    union Sol

    Union: General Rule

    union rule