
CSC 111

Introduction to Computer Science Through Programming

Smith Computer Science

Lecture Notes 02: How Computers Work

The Abstraction Ladder and The Black Box

The essence of abstractions is preserving information that is relevant in a given context, and forgetting information that is irrelevant in that context.

John V. Guttag MIT

Abstraction is what allow us to have conversations without specifying absurd levels of detail.
Think about how you order a Pizza:

Example 1: Think about how you order a Pizza:

  1. Call the pizza place
  2. Ask for a menu Item (pepperoni pizza)
  3. Give address and pay information
  4. Hang up

This is a very high-level of abstraction in which the context is clear to both parties and you both already know what every key word means.

It is high-level because the details are not needed, only the context.

Activity 1 [1 minute]: If you were teaching an alien (that has never even heard of what a pizza is) to make a pepperoni pizza from scratch, What would you say?
You can assume the alien speaks English and all the ingredients are there and they are labeled and identifiable

One possible answer:
(Wait; then Click)

  1. Place 4 cups of bread flour, 1 teaspoon of sugar, 1 envelope of yeast, and 2 teaspoons of salt in the bowl of a stand mixer.
  2. Mix, adding 1.5 cups of water and 2 tablespoons of olive oil and beat until the dough forms into a ball.
  3. ETC (you get where this is going)

This is a very low-level of abstraction in which the context is not used (much) and great detail is needed to make progress.

Ways to learn: The Black-Box approach

Using a module as a black box is like saying:

"I don't care how it works, I only need to know what I need to give it and what it gives me in return."

Once the "High-Level" is understood, we can look inside the box to see more details.

This is called a "top-down" approach.

Ways to learn: The trees-to-forest approach

Another way we'll learn will be to look at lots of patterns and examples and then to "generalize" what we see to try to find a "rule" that encompasses the examples.

We can call this approach: "the bottom-up approach".

Is this a language course?

We'll make a rough analogy with learning a foreign language: CS111 is the equivalent of a beginner language course.

In terms of Programming languages, this means that you'll be able to get practical things done and understand other programs written in Python; you will also be able to read and understand a whole lot of similar languages like C, C++, Java, etc.

However, there is a big difference between languages like English or Spanish and programming languages! why do you think that is?

Now, a quick high-level look at the inside of the black box.

The Original Computers

The term computer refers to a mechanism or agent that aids in the completion of a computation (AKA a calculation).
These are some examples of those agents:

Activity 2 [1 minute]: In the rightmost picture, where is the "original computer" located?

The modern term Computer refers to a mechanism that "performs calculations" automatically and that can be programmed.
Let's look at these terms one by one:

A bit of history

Activity 3 [4 minutes]: Using these definitions and notes, we can ask the questions:

  • Is an abacus a computer?
  • Is a calculator a computer?
  • Are one or more human "computers" computers?
  • Can we build a computer using dominoes (wait to click)?
  • Can we build a computer using water (wait to click)?

What are the parts of a Computer?





There are different types of processors;

The CPU is versatile (can run many different operations) at a relatively fast rate.

A GPU (a Graphics Processing Unit) is a massively simplified CPU that can run many simple operations at the same time (in parallel). This makes it very fast.

CPUs are good for running general tasks in a computer.
GPUs are good for running simple operations to solve similar problems like for graphics.

Let's look at the logic used by a modern computer to function;

this time from a Low-level to High-level of abstraction.

From gears to 0's and 1's, and up to a High-Level Language

How do we compute something automatically?
We could use Gears & levers but as we discussed, that is problematic (slow and inaccurate).

It turns out that using a fast flowing current is a pretty good approach!

A computer works like a water-pipe system with a gazillion valves. The water (electricity) courses through the system and activates sprinklers, flotation devices, etc, depending on how the valves are set.

However, How do we "store information" using some sort of flowing current?

Activity 4 [2 minute]: How do we store information in a "computer" that uses flowing current to function?
One possible answer:
(Wait; then Click)

The minimum thing we can know about a thing is: Is it there or not?.

To represent this with a flowing current, we can say:

  • If it is flowing in this section (pipe): then YES or TRUE
  • If it is NOT flowing in this section (pipe): then NO or FALSE

Anything that has two parts or two sides is called binary, so this piece of information is called a binary datum (a single piece of data), which could be represented with any two symbols:
  • No/Yes
  • False/True
  • OFF/ON
  • \( \bullet\) / \(\boldsymbol{-}\)
  • 0/1

The term bit is derived from binary digit, a logical state (relation between a proposition and the truth) with one of two values.

It is common to represent these with \( 0 \) and \( 1 \), but as you can see below, we can use another approach (OFF/ON) with the same results.

IF we can assign a set of steps to be followed by our system, which will run automatically when executed, we've got a computer!

The Transistor

A transistor is an electronics component that lets electricity pass through from one of its input pins (collector) to one of its output pins (emitter) if there is an input on the third signal pin (base).


The brilliance here is that this allows an electric signal (that can be programmed) to control another electric signal; making the electric component capable of self-guidance.

The transistor works like that:

Check an animation that explains how a transistor works by using the water analogy.

These components can be arranged together together with other valve-like components to make more and more complex modules that can be integrated into a full computer.


A Program

A (modern computer) program, in its most basic form, is a list of control signals that tell the computer when to let electricity pass and where to.

The lowest form of these control signals therefore depend on two symbols:

A list of control signals written in 0a and 1s is called Machine Code.

Since we can write numbers using only 0's and 1's, these can be called binary (from "two") digits (symbols representing numbers), or bits.


There are many different ways of representing numbers:

Note that decimal is a positional system with the symbols: 0, 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 9;

the number is constructed by indicating "how many times we need each power of 10" (that's what base 10 means):

\[ 1729 = 1*10^3 + 7*10^2 + 2*10^1 + 9*10^0 = 1000 + 700 + 20 + 9 \]

The binary system is a positional number system with two symbols: 0 and 1;

the number is constructed by indicating "how many times we need each power of 2" (that's why base 2) using only the valid symbols: \[ 11011000001 = 1*2^{10} + 1*2^9 + 0*2^8 + 1*2^7 + 1*2^6 + 0*2^5 + 0*2^4 + 0*2^3 + 0*2^2 + 0*2^1 + 1*2^0 \] \[ = 1024 + 512 + 0 + 128 + 64 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 0 + 1 = 1729\] The first 8 natural numbers (starting at 0) are:

decimal binary
0 000
1 001
2 010
3 011
4 100
5 101
6 110
7 111

Notation: To indicate that we're writing a binary number, we usually prepend "0b" to the number, so the binary number:
101010 should be written 0b101010 to distinguish it from "one hundred and one thousand and ten".

Activity 5 [3 minutes]:
Translate your birthday to binary.
example: 02/29/2020 (Yak's birthday) would be 0b10/0b11101/0b11111100100
hint: try dividing by the maximum power of 2 you can fit. Then continue with the remainder.

The last useful positional system we'll use in this class is hexadecimal.
The hexadecimal (or hex) system is a positional number system with 16 symbols: 0-9 plus a, b, c, d, e, and f;

the number is constructed by indicating "how many times we need each power of 16" (that's why base 16) using only the valid symbols. \[ 6C1 = 6*16^2 + C*16^1 + 1*16^0 = 6*16^2 + (12)*16^1 + 1*16^0 = 1536 + 192 + 1 = 1729\]

Notation: To indicate that we're writing a hex number, we usually prepend "0x" to the number, so the hex number:
1234 should be written 0x1234 to distinguish it from "one thousand, two hundred and thirty four".

Activity 6 [Group; 3 minutes]:
Translate this number to hex: 3735928559
hint: try dividing by the maximum power of 16 you can fit. Then continue with the remainder.

Before next class (Friday)

[Due for everyone] TBD
[Optional] Try to make the following shape using print statements in the "Ascii Art" replit project (but don't Submit yet!)