
CSC 103

How Computers Work

Smith Computer Science

Lecture Notes 06: Von Neumann and the ALU


This class we'll discuss:

Recap: Half and Full adder

Watch the video uploaded to Moodle.
For an alternative explanation, check out this video

Von Neumann and the ALU

John Von Neumann's idea was to store the computer inside the computer.
The system has to be able to perform computations and store data AND instructions.

Von Neumann's Architecture'

The parts of a VN Architecture (AKA Princeton model)

Memory Speeds

There are different locations where data can be saved.

Each one has different properties and reasons to exist (we'll see that next class).
For now, just remember: The closest you are to the CU, the faster it is but the smaller it is

Fundamental Topics in CS

There are different areas of CS, and they sometimes focus on different aspects of how a computer works or what it can do.

Each general topic is discussed below:

Computer Architecture

Focuses on the building and connecting of the "whole thing" and how the parts allow us to do the required tasks.

Data Structures

Focuses on the way we store information (logically) given the resources provided by the architecture

Operating Systems

Focuses on the design and analysis of the programs that "run behind the scenes" so that the end user can focus on applications (using a text editor; watching a movie; surfing the web).

Programming Languages

Focuses on the design of high-level languages which are easier to read and write (by humans), and that are eventually converted to the machine code instructions that the control unit can execute.


Focuses on the creation and analysis of the necessary protocols and modules so that one system can talk to (one or many) another system(s).

Before next class (Thursday 09/23)

[Due for everyone]

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