Lecture Notes 13: More Strings...and practice!
Recap: Slicing
Basics of slicing:
Say we have this:
Then some slicing options are:
- Copy from start to finish: out = my_str[0 : len(my_str)]
- Copy from start to index 7: out = my_str[0 : 8]
- Copy from index 2 to index 7: out = my_str[2 : 8]
- Copy from start to index 7, every 2 elements: out = my_str[0 : 8 : 2]
- Copy from start to index 7, every 3 elements: out = my_str[0 : 8 : 3]
- Copy from index 2 to 5-before the end (index 7): out = my_str[2 : -4]
- Copy from index 2 to 5-before the end (index 7), every 2 elements: out = my_str[2 : -4 : 2]
- Copy from index 2 to 5-before the end (index 7): out = my_str[-10 : -4]
String Methods
As we mentioned before, Strings are Objects, and in Python, objects have values inside them as well as member functions we call "Methods".
We can access these by using the dot operator, as in:
< my_str > . < method name > (< method arguments > )
One example we've been using a lot is format, as in:
my_str = "duckrabbit"
str_rabb = my_str[4:]
out_str = "a substring of {:s} is {:s}"
print(out_str.format(my_str, str_rabb) )
Here, we're accessing the
format member method from the string variable
out_str and passing in the arguments
my_str, and
Try it out
The following are some useful String methods.
Remember that you can read more about how to use them in the
Python String API
You might want to edit the contents of a string by "replacing" fragments with a known pattern for another pattern.
However, since strings, once created, cannot be edited, what happens is that a new string is created which can be used to overwrite the old one.
phrase = "time consumes everything but it is also the best"
phrase = phrase.replace("time", "Yak")
phrase = phrase.replace("but", "and")
phrase = phrase.replace("best", "beast")
The notation
my_str.replace(<old>, < new >, < count >) only replaces the first
< count > instances of the matched pattern.
The following are variations of the use of the
find method:
find(x) -- Returns the index of the first occurrence of item x in the string, else returns -1. x may be a string variable or string literal.
find(x, start) -- Same as find(x), but begins the search at index start.
find(x, start, end) -- Same as find(x, start), but stops the search at index end - 1:
rfind(x) -- Same as find(x) but searches the string in reverse, returning the last occurrence in the string
print("abracadabra".find('abra')) # Returns 0
print("abracadabra".find('dab')) # Returns 6
print("abracadabra".find('yak')) # Returns -1
print("abracadabra".find('ra')) # Returns 2
print("abracadabra".find('ra', 3)) # (after 3) Returns 9
print("abracadabra".find('ra', 3,7)) # (in 3,7) Returns -1
print("abracadabra".rfind('ra')) # (reverse) Returns 9
The method
count(x) returns the number of times x occurs in the string:
phrase = "The future ain't what it used to be."
# next line prints 8
print("Number of words in '{:s}' is {:d}".format(phrase,phrase.count(" ")+1) )
Questions about the String's format
You can use some methods to ask questions about the string:
- isalnum()
- isdigit()
- islower()
- isupper()
- isspace()
- startswith(x)
- endswith(x)
New strings with modifications
You can use create new strings with the following methods:
- capitalize()
- lower()
- upper()
- strip()
- title()
For example, one creates a new string when capitalizing a base one:
my_str = "asap"
new_str = my_str.upper()
Chaining method calls
sequences of calls can be done on each resulting string. Since one call results in a string, the next call can be simply appended to the previous one.
Activity 4 [2 minutes]:
What does the following program print?
my_str = " nEVer tHe leSs "
print ( my_str.strip().replace(" ", "").title() )
Splitting and Joining Strings
Another typical task is to separate a string into a list of component substrings, or tokens.
split method can achieve this by specifying the character(s) that are to be considered the
separators between the tokens.
We will learn how to work with lists next lecture, but for now, we'll just print the results directly (which
print ca handle).
Let's do some splits:
phrase = "time consumes everything but it is also the best"
tokens = phrase.split()
print("the phrase '{:s}' is composed of the tokens: {}".format(phrase, tokens))
Try it
Activity 5 [2 minutes]:
What happens if you change the input to split to the space: " "?
You can use different tokens (I actually wrote "Tolkiens" there!):
url = "https://frankpablo.github.io/classes/csc111/lectures/lectureNotes10.html"
tolkiens = url.split("/")
print("the url '{:s}' is composed of the tokens: {}".format(url, tolkiens))
Try it
You can also separate into tokens composed of strings (longer than 1 character).
quote = "Baseball is ninety percent mental and the other half is physical."
tokens = quote.split("al")
print("the quote '{:s}', separated by 'al' is composed of the tokens: {}".format(quote, tokens))
Try it
Another useful task is to join tokens into a longer string.
The format is:
< separator > . join ( < list of tokens > )
num_str = "1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9"
#making the tokens
tokens = num_str.split(" ")
print("the num_str '{:s}'\nis composed of the tokens:\n{}".format(num_str, tokens))
# joining with '+'
num_expr = "+".join(tokens)
# you can use this for something!
print( eval(num_expr) )
Try it
[Due for everyone]
Homework 04 (Replit); due on 02/25 before 5 PM
[Optional] TODO