
CSC 103

How Computers Work

Smith Computer Science

Lecture Notes 01: Welcome to CSC 103

Before Starting:
Who's who and why are we here?


Name: Pablo Frank Bolton ("Frank" and "Bolton" are last names);
Pronouns: He, Him;
you can call me "Pablo"

What do I do?

My Dog Yak

this is my dog, Yak:
(Informal Dog-Walk Hours can be used for petting Yak, chatting with me, or even to talk shop)

Instructional Team

Names: TBD

The Students

Please fill out this small 3-minute-biography so I can get to know you a bit.

The Class

Activity 1 :[2 minutes] : Why are we here?

  1. You just want to know how a computer works (what makes it tick);
  2. You think it is a necessary evil to be able to do something else;
  3. You don't really care but want to be able to talk to people in groups (1) and (2);
  4. You have another reason
Some motivation:
Learning how a computer works has three main advantages:
  1. It gives you insight into how many of the things you interact with function;
  2. It reveals techniques that can be applied to other areas that need organization, efficiency, or robustness;
  3. It will give you an eye for "system analysis" (useful for any system involving many moving parts);
  4. It will give you the vocabulary and general knowledge to be able to "talk shop" with technically savvy people;

This class has three main objectives:

The topics we'll explore include:
  1. A brief history of computers
  2. Computer architecture and components inside a computer
  3. Binary numbers, and understanding how and why computers use them
  4. Boolean algebra - Boolean functions, Boolean arithmetic and the ALU
  5. Transistor and logic gates - the basic building blocks of computers
  6. CPU, Assembly programming - communicating with the computer in its native language
  7. Memory/storage
  8. Some important issues about computers in our future

The Original Computers

Activity 2 :[2 minutes] : What is s computer?

One possible answer:
(Wait until we have a couple definitions; then Click to expand and see mine.)

The term computer refers to a mechanism or agent that aids in the completion of a computation (AKA a calculation).

Activity 3 :[2 minutes] : So, what is computation?
(Wait, then click)

The term computation can be defined as:
“a sequence of well-defined operations that lead from an initial starting point to a desired final outcome".

Examples of "operations:"

Here are some examples of those agents that can complete the computation:

The modern term Computer refers to a mechanism that does this automatically and that can be programmed.
Let's look at these terms one by one:

A bit of history

Activity 4 [4 minutes]: Using these definitions and notes, we can ask the questions:

  • Is an abacus a computer?
  • Is a calculator a computer?
  • Are one or more human "computers" computers?
  • Can we build a computer using dominoes (wait to click)?
  • Can we build a computer using water (wait to click)?

Evolution of symbols and processing system

The Big picture for the class

    • Ideas
    • Needs
    • ...
      • Input/Output Devices
      • Memory
        • ALU: Arithmetic-Logic Unit
        • Control Unit
      • System Software
      • Utilities
      • Applications

Remaining checklist for today:

  1. Course Information
  2. Locate the course page on Moodle
  3. Locate Discord info on Moodle and Sign up to Discord
  4. Locate TinkerCad info on Moodle and Sign up to TinkerCad
  5. Meeting and Accommodations

Course Information

The class information is located in the Class Info link of the navigation bar. We will go over it now. When we are done checking it out, make sure to continue here.

Using Discord

We will use Discord as our main communication hub.

  1. Please sign up for Discord: getDiscord

  2. Join the smith-f21-csc103-01 server.
    OR use this invitation link: Join the class discord
  3. You can read this tutorial to get an idea of how to use it.

Using Moodle

Access Moodle here:
We'll keep links to each lecture in Moodle. In addition, we'll have any PDFs, readings, and other resources.
I'll update the course Moodle with the appropriate links and information as we move forward in the course.

Meeting and Accommodations

I would be very happy to meet you during office hours.
This will help me get to know you and learn how best to communicate.

Office Hours are not for remedial or emergency meetings, its part of the academic experience!
In OHs, we can talk about the class work and organization, but also about aspirations, expectations, curiosities, and more.
I really like office hours, so please feel free to drop by.

You may take this opportunity to let me know if you have arranged any accommodations with ODS.


This course has been designed with the help of Nick Howe and Shinyoung Cho.

Before next class (Tuesday 09/07)

[Due for everyone]
register for Discord.

Review the Class Info by yourselves.