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CSC 102

How The Internet Works

Smith Computer Science

Lecture Notes 05: Network Layer LAB

Recap: Networking

LAB Activity 0: Teams of 2 or 3

Make teams of 2 or 3 (these teams will be maintained for Assignment 02.. which has already been released.)

LAB Activity 1: ping and traceroute

Lab 01 file:

Download the following file:
ping/tracerout lab


Now complete the ping activity in teams of 2 or 3.


Now complete the traceroute activity in the same teams

LAB Activity 2: nslookup

Lab 02 file:

Download the following file:
nslookup lab


Now complete the nslookup activity in teams of 2 or 3.

1-Minute Debrief

Please fill this out before leaving:

Next class: Transmission and TCP

Before next class (Tuesday)

[Due for everyone]
Read the book's chapter 6
